Roberts Philippine Postcards

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Revised: January 11, 2020

In alphabetical order
Caption on reverse unless noted otherwise.

On reverse, lower left corner:
(a) Mfg. for Roberts, Inc. 52-54 Escolta, Manila, P. I.
(b) ROBERTS - 52-54 Escolta, Manila, P. I.
Manuf. by CARDINELL-VINCENT CO., San Francisco, U. S. A. (on reverse, vertical, in middle)
Army and Navy Club, Manila, P. I.
Avenue of Palms P. I. (a), Vertical image.
Bilibid Prison Manila, P. I.
Cagayan Along the Road P. I.
Cock Fight Philippine Islands
El Hogar Filipino Bldg., Manila, P. I.
Girls' Dormitory, Normal School, Manila, P. I.
Hat Weaving, La Guna Manila, P. I.
Luneta Manila, P. I.
Mt. Arayat, P. I.
Mt. Mayon Volcano P. I.
Native Home Manila, P. I.
Paco Estero Manila, P. I.
Pasig River Scene, Showing Fort Santiago on the Right P. I.
Philippine General Hospital, Manila, P. I.
Preparing to Plant, P. I.
Plaza Moraga Manila, P. I.